LV Dental Square was conceptualized to bring the best practices that are available in Dentistry to our customers. We have brought together a team of highly qualified dental specialities who are experts in their own specialties and fields.
We take great pride in providing our customers who we consider our family. We have successfully merged our family values into the modernity of our clinic to take in into the future.
We will take extra pains to provide our patients with a quick and thorough evaluation of the disease or condition. We assure that we will give that extra care to our kiddies and we have our specialists at the Paediatric dentistry department who are specially trained to handle them.
We, at LV Dental Square have kept our treatments at affordable rates and we do provide customized payment options that will be suited for each patient. Our focus is to keep our consultation charges as low as possible and we do take care to control and manage the elevated charges for any dental service.
We hope to maintain a high set of standards for our clinic in providing the best of service. We want to repay our customers for the faith they have in us by providing the best of dental care available.
We are here to serve our patients the best way we can. We believe in our integrity that shines in whatever we do.
Authored By Dr Sanjay N - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Bangalore