Invisalign is a type of Invisible braces that are manufactured by the Align Technology Company and was first introduced in the market in 2000. This is one of the first innovative products in the field of teeth straightening after a long time where they adopted the concept of invisible braces to straighten teeth.
The different types of Invisalign Braces are:
Is the common treatment option that is also preferred for complicated issues of teeth alignment. The full treatment normally takes around 12-18 months.
Is usually recommended for minor or moderate cases that need a shorter treatment time, usually for cosmetic reasons. This type uses 7 sets of trays and the treatment takes around 3 – 7 months, depending on the requirements.
Is a faster and cheaper option of Invisalign that usually provides a mild correction. The treatment involves two lengths: one makes use of 5 aligners and takes around 3 months, while the other uses up to 10 aligners and a time of around 6 months.
Is specially designed for teenagers to help them in the teeth straightening process. The teenager’s teeth are still in the development stage, making this the right time to fix the teeth alignment issues.
The Invisalign Clear aligners are custom-made for the patient so that they fit the teeth snugly. They are nearly invisible and less noticeable.
The aligner fitted onto the teeth shifts the teeth slightly and moves them horizontally and vertically and if needed, can also rotate them. These aligners are designed to use the exact amount of pressure at the right place and at the right time.
The aligners have to be replaced on a regular basis, normally in a week or so. This allows the teeth to gradually move into position following the plan set out by the dentist.
The different advantages of using Invisalign are:
The dentist will conduct an initial consultation with the patient to discuss the procedure and how Invisalign is suitable for the patient.
The dentist will then scan the patient’s teeth to get quick and precise 3D digital images of the teeth. In some cases, the doctors might take physical impressions of the teeth. The dentist will then chalk out a treatment plan, which will also include the patient’s teeth’s exact movements and the duration of the treatment.
The dentist will then make custom aligners for the teeth of both the upper and lower jaws using Invisalign proprietary SmartTrack material. This is nearly invisible and usually not noticed by others. The doctors might recommend the patient to wear the Invisalign braces for nearly the whole day for achieving the best results and taking them out only to brush and floss. The Invisalign aligners on the teeth will gently push the teeth and gradually position them in their desire place.
The dentist will recommend a new set of aligners on a regular basis and might schedule appointments to change the aligners.
The dentist would recommend the following for maintaining and caring of the Invisalign:
Authored By Dr Sanjay N - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Bangalore