Teeth Cleaning or Dental cleaning is a dental procedure in which teeth is cleaned thoroughly to get rid of plaque from the surface as well as the gum. Oral Health is not only important at providing a good smile but it also helps prevent gum diseases. Most of the gum diseases are in turn indicators for other diseases like heart diseases, diabetes and dementia. So, teeth cleaning will help in detecting other issues plaguing your body.
Brushing and flossing, if done the right way, can eliminate plaque formation to a great extent. But dentists recommend a regular dental cleaning to maintain a good oral heath. It is recommended to have dental cleaning done every 6 months. However those with serious gum issues are recommended to have their teeth professionally cleaned every 3 to 4 months.
Dental cleaning is usually painless and comforting. There is nothing to be apprehensive about. Knowledge about the procedure can help people to deal with the stress of teeth cleaning.
Teeth cleaning have the following advantages:
The dentist will conduct a physical examination of the entire mouth initially to check for any serious gum problems or any other problems. The teeth cleaning involves the following steps:
This process involves scraping off the plaque and tartar in between the teeth as well as around the gum line. The tartar that is left behind by the scaler is then cleaned using high-powered electric brush and scrubbing toothpaste. The scrubbing action of the toothpaste allows the polishing your teeth and removing any stains. However, this
toothpaste have to be used only under the guidance of the dentist since its regular use can lead to scraping off the enamel.
This is performed to protect the teeth from cavities for the coming months. Usually a foamy gel is placed in the mouth. It is quite normal to experience gum sensitivity after the cleaning process if you had a lot of bacteria build up.
Authored By Dr Sanjay N - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Bangalore