These are braces that use the Damon system of orthodontic, which uses fixed and passive self-ligating methods for correcting teeth. The brackets in this system do not use elastic o-rings to position the wires, instead it allows the wires to freely slide without friction through the slots. Damon braces have brackets with the attached wires that can move with the teeth as they align.
Damon braces are able to provide a faster treatment with fewer visits to the dentist, at a greater comfort level with consistently high-quality results. The is done due to its 3 core components:
Materials Used
The Damon Clear braces are made of ceramic to provide a better durability and enhancing aesthetics. The archwires used for this procedure are of different materials and different sizes.
Damon braces provide the following advantages over traditional braces:
The Damon Braces does a couple of minor disadvantages when compared to
traditional braces.
The dentist might use passive self-ligating braces which uses very light wires usually made of an alloy of copper, nickel and titanium. These wires are wider than the natural arch, which makes it have a non-anatomical shape.
The dentist will initially place successively thick wires as the arches round off and the teeth levels out. A thicker wire is passively placed in the brackets. This laying of a thin light wires along with a thicker wire that is passively laid thus helping to reduce the pressure exerted on the periodential ligaments.
Authored By Dr Sanjay N - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Bangalore